Optimizing downstream mining processes, MineWare has introduced an advanced Material Classification module for its Argus Shovel Monitor to enable mine sites to save millions of dollars by reducing the amount of lost or contaminated ore.
The module integrates precise material information from each bucket, per the mine plan, with any fleet management system to give machine operators, haul truck drivers, and processing personnel more accurate knowledge and feedback on the type of material being loaded and hauled.

MineWare Vice President of Strategy and Marketing, Roy Pater said by knowing upfront what exactly is being loaded at the face, the Argus Material Classification Module improves what material is being moved through the value chain – from pit to plant.
“Argus sets up the entire workflow for better success, providing the right feedback to more people and processes downstream to make informed decisions,”
he said.
“Shovel operators can now see in real-time, via an intuitive, color-coded display screen, the type and grade of material being loaded, not just the quantity of material.
“Unlike traditional systems that just track material via machine position, Argus precisely monitors each bucket fill and position, classifying the material in real-time via a block model overlay on the Argus screen.
“The operator knows exactly what they’re digging, and where. Argus removes subjectivity when interpreting boundaries and reduces the risk of grade contamination at the dig face.”
“Operators no longer need to change grade manually or make assumptions on what they are digging.
Pater said improving the classification of material upstream has a real effect on operations downstream.
“Better classification of material in the pit leads to better production output by knowing exactly what’s going in the truck and where it needs to go.”

Argus feeds this material information from the shovel through to the mine’s fleet management system in real-time.
“The driver then knows exactly where to take the material based on its type and concentration whether that’s a stockpile, waste point, or straight to the crusher for processing,” Pater added.
“Poor stockpile management, ore loss, dilution, and grade contamination are common challenges for mining operations, costing millions of dollars annually.
“Many of these downstream problems and efficiencies in mining are directly linked to upstream load and haul processes.
“The misallocation of even a single bucket of high-grade ore can lead to significant monetary losses for mines, either in the pit or in the processing plant.
“At the other end of the spectrum, highly acidic waste material must also be allocated correctly to ensure its safe removal and disposal.”
Pater said the new technology meets the global mining industry’s need for instant, on-demand access to information across a mine that can only be achieved by sharing data in real-time between the various mining systems.
“By connecting more of the dots and closing the feedback loop between loading, hauling, dumping, and crushing, Argus addresses these issues head-on,” he said.
Detailed material classification compliance reports also help geologists, surveyors, and reconciliation engineers meet their legal reporting obligations, with easier access to more accurate data on what and how the material has been distributed on-site.
Argus is an advanced monitoring system for electric and hydraulic loaders, designed to manage payload, mine compliance, machine health, and situational awareness.

About MineWare
MineWare supports over 380 systems across more than 130 surface mining operations globally to improve their performance and productivity. Delivering productivity gains of up to 16%, while reducing costs, MineWare’s monitoring systems provide mine sites with independent machine guidance and payload monitoring information for their large ground engaging machinery in real-time. In 2017, MineWare became part of the Komatsu Technology group of companies.
About Argus Material Classification
Material Classification is an advanced module for MineWare’s Argus shovel monitoring system that improves the visibility, classification, and movement of material on site.
- Precise machine bucket position accuracy tracks material blocks on every load
- Fully interoperable with any third-party fleet management system
- Now available for new and existing Argus systems across all-electric and hydraulic makes & models
- Aids loading decision-making to maximize operator performance and machine efficiency
- New on-screen viewing options include material statistics, mine plan, and override
- Site-wide material visibility using material plan profiling, layered over the mine’s design compliance/terrain map
Source: MineWare