The Future of Mining Australia Conference 2020 has been postponed

The Future of Mining Australia Conference 2020 has been postponed

We feature the statement from the Future of Mining coordinators


To all our valued partners and attendees; Over the last few weeks we have been monitoring and reacting to guidelines set by the Australian government and in regard to COVID-19. Today the government has announced its decision to restrict public gatherings of over 500 people in order to help delay the spread of Coronavirus. We have also been listening to the feedback from our sponsorship partners and delegates over the difficulties of their own travel arrangements and overriding concerns in light of recent events. Above all, the welfare and safety of our delegates, speakers, exhibitors, and staff is paramount.

The recent spread of the Coronavirus in Sydney and the pace of its growth over the last few days, has led us to the regrettable decision that we must postpone our event until such time that the situation improves. We are now in unprecedented times where global decisions by governments are being taken with incredible speed and with significant ramifications. Rest assured that all delegate and sponsorship agreements will remain in-tact and will be transferred to the new revised date for the event.

This new date will be confirmed in the next 2-3 weeks but please do bear with us as we continue to finalize timings. The Future of Mining Australia 2020 was set and will be, when the time comes, our largest event to date. We are proud that some of the most high profile members of our industry and some of the most innovative companies have registered to take part in this event so far as speakers, exhibitors, and delegates.

We are therefore excited by the opportunity of working to further build on this great audience base to make the now postponed Future Of Mining even bigger and better than it was scheduled to be on the 23-24 March. We would like to thank you for your patience, understanding and support over such a challenging period and we look forward to welcoming you all to FOM Sydney in the near future. Regards, Future of Mining Team

Frequently Asked Questions

As a Future of Mining registrant will I receive a refund?

Rest assured that all delegate and sponsorship agreements will remain in-tact and will be transferred to the new revised date for the event. This new date will be confirmed in the next 2-3 weeks but please do bear with us as we continue to finalize timings.

What will happen to my hotel reservation?

If you booked a hotel reservation outside of the Summit Registration system or added additional room nights, it is your responsibility to cancel and confirm the refund status on any deposits paid.

Will Future of Mining provide reimbursement for airfare?

No, we will not provide reimbursement for airfares that were booked independently. Many airlines are offering flexible refund options currently due to the COVID-19 situation. Please contact your airline and hotel directly to review the options.

Will Future of Mining Sydney 2020 be rescheduled to another date?

The Future of Mining Australia 2020 was set and will be, when the time comes, our largest event to date. We are proud that some of the most high-profile members of our industry and some of the most innovative companies have registered to take part in this event so far as speakers, exhibitors, and delegates. We are therefore excited by the opportunity of working to further build on this great audience base to make the now postponed Future of Mining even bigger and better than it was scheduled to be on the 23-24 March.

Who do I contact for more information?

For any other questions please contact [email protected]